Pengen Nyimpen Cit..? Tapi ada program deep freeze...? g usah repot nih ada solusinya
ini adalah deep freeze hack mulai dari versi 4 sampai versi 6
tertarik..? silahkan download disini:
tinggal liat deep freeeze versi berapa dengan melihat di sudut kiri bawah dan tekan shift sambil klik deep freeze nya
truz nyalain neh freeze hacknya
pilih versinya
yang saya tahu versi paling sering digunakan adalah versi ke 6..
dan apply
enjoy hacking
Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009
Deep Freeze Hack
Diposting oleh ~Game-Sites~ di 19.10 0 komentar
Label: Lain-lain
Senin, 19 Oktober 2009
O2 jam offline
dulu ada yang pernah maen o2jam?
masi inget ama o2jam?
nah, gw punya emulator offlinenya, namanya O2Mania
kalo mau download emulatornya (cuma 8 megabyte), disini
download lagu2nya disini
cara2 nginstall:
1. Ekstrak semua isi RAR itu ke folder apa aja. Di dalem RAR itu uda ada foldernya, jadi misalnya ekstrak aja ke C:/Program Files
2. Bikin folder didalam folder hasil ekstrakan (O2Mania English 1.0.1) namanya "Music", dan extract lagu2 yg agan2 uda download tadi ke situ. biasanya isinya file dgn ekstensi OJM dan OJN.
3. Buka O2Mania English.exe
4. Trus loading, pencet Start
5. O2Mania dah kebuka, pencet File -> Configure Folders
6. Di bagian O2Jam Tunes, pilih folder Music yang tadi agan2 buat (misal: C:/Program Files/O2Jam English 1.0.1/Music)
7. Terus klik "OK"
8. Pencet F8. Maka akan muncul daftar lagu yang agan2 sekalian udah install. Kalo belom, pencet "Refresh" dibawah "Configure Folders". Pilih lagu dan levelnya (easy / medium / hard). Angka disebelah difficulty menunjukkan level. 1 ya gampang banget, 20an ya susah banget.
9. Pencet "OK"
10. Pencet F6 untuk memulai lagunya. Untuk mengatur kecepatan pencet F1 (buat nurunin) ato F2 (buat naikin) seperti di O2Jam asli, x1, x2, x3, dll.
11. Tombol standard adalah S - D - F - SpaceBar - J - K - L. Untuk mengatur tombol2nya pencet Settings -> Keyboard Keys. Atur dah tuh.
12. Selamat bermain... Lain kali kalo mau main lagi, tinggal ulangi step:
Diposting oleh ~Game-Sites~ di 17.56 0 komentar
Label: Game offline
Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009
Restaurant City NEW Money Hack CLEAR STEPs
1.Go into restaurant city.
2.Patch it using piaip tool to allow fast eat, fast serve/cook, auto regeneration
3.Gain at least 1 gourmet point (exp point)
4.Go into CE, select your browser
5.tick hex, 8bytes, ASROM.
7.You will get 1 address,if not,check step 3
8.Right click and choose disassemble this memory region
9.You'll see the line "mov eax,FFFFFFFF"
10.Change it to "mov eax,00001388" and DO NOT CLOSE the memory viewer, you will need it
11.Note this is the current exp cheat for restaurant city. Now you will gain more exp per dishes.
12.UNtick HEX and NEW SCAN your current level. you'll see alot of addresses, don't worry.
13.Wait till you level up.Open back the memory viewer and change "mov eax,00001388" BACK TO "mov eax,FFFFFFFF"
14.Now scan your current level
15.You will get few address,double click the first one(The value of this address will be your current level)
16.Change the value to current level -6,minus 6,example,mine is 29,I put 23
17.Must be -6, decreasing to an even lower level will get you DISCONNECTED.
18.You will be back to lvl(current -6) in the game. But immediately, you will level back up to 21 WHILE gaining thousands of coins as you level up.
19.When you're 21 again, change the value in CE back to 15 again.Change to -6 again,keep repeat
20.Woah,COINS COINS!!! Save it
Diposting oleh ~Game-Sites~ di 22.59 0 komentar
Label: Facebook game hack
Cafe World Hack
Cafe World Hack
1.Open your Cafe World2.Let a customer eat a food and rate
3.Open CE and scan 3B840FC98574498B with 8 bytes,HEX,ASROM
4.You will get 1 address,right click and dissamble this memory region
5.You will see a line that is "text,ecx, ecx"
6.Change it to "text,ecx, edx" after a customer eat a dish,your buzz level will rise
7.Unitl 105,change back to "teaxt ecx, ecx" Then let the customers continue eating,you get coins =)
Diposting oleh ~Game-Sites~ di 22.47 0 komentar
Label: Facebook game hack